This is a chronic skin disorder that tends to occur in the older age group. Plaque psoriasis, the most common type, causes thick, scaly patches of skin. These areas can get inflamed and itchy, but some of those affected may experience no symptoms. It is important to know that psoriasis is not a contagious disease, but arises due to changes in the immune function leading to increased skin turnover. With effective treatment, psoriasis can be treated effectively.
Those affected may develop thick, pink or red patches of skin covered with white or silvery scales. In most people, it covers only a few patches of skin. In severe cases, the plaques connect and cover a large area of the body. In addition to the skin, psoriasis can cause:
Nails that are pitted, cracked or crumbly.
Joint pain and affect the elbows and knees, face, scalp and inside the mouth, fingernails and toenails, genitals, lower back, palms and feet.
Common psoriasis treatments include:
Anti- inflammatory preparations like steroid creams
Medicated lotions, shampoos and bath solutions
Vitamin D3 derived creams or ointments
In severe cases, biologic therapy, may be considered in suitable patients
You're In Good Hands
Following the diagnosis of psoriasis, our dermatologists will discuss a personalised treatment plan with you.